Welcome back (for now) Scotland!

What next, post referendum?

After an interminable two weeks the Scottish Referendum took place yesterday. I'm glad I had something scheduled yesterday and was able to avoid most of the TV coverage until late in the evening. Even then I watched old recorded programs (Thank goodness for the PVR.) rather than the 'talking heads' programming that apparently was scheduled to run all night.

So this morning I woke-up to the news that our Scottish friends (well, a majority of them) have decided, for now, to stay in the Union. The result mirrors almost exactly the outcome predicted by Daniel J Mitchell in his column 'Would Scottish Independence Be a Net Plus for Liberty?' Posted September 17, 2014 on finance.townhall.com. While I agreed with much of his 'Libertarian' take and analysis of the referendum it  also raised, for me, a number of issues at the very heart of the Union.

The current 'shower' of mainstream politicians at Westminster (I'd like to call them a cabal but there really are way too many of them for that.) are about to try and rush through devolutionary  reform legislation, moving yet more power from Westminster to Scotland (and probably the other Home Nations as well) as a quick payback for the Scottish 'No' vote..

Devolution (as previously crafted in Westminster) has been an unmitigated disaster for the Union. It has bred resentment and division between the Home Nations and most especially between their peoples and fellow British subjects.  So, rather than do more of something that does not work; in the hope that eventually it will. Lets try something different!


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