Vote Brexit June 8th.

I'm in shock.

The last opinion pole I saw has May unable to form a majority government! 

When she called the election I was concerned that the predicted Tory landslide would undermine our parliamentary system and had even considered abstaining on June 8th., now, well I for one will hold my nose and put an X on the Conservative box. Not for any love of May or her policies, or as a Conservative (which she and her Party are clearly not) but as part of the Brexit Majority, who less than a year ago voted to leave the EU.

I believe it is important that we, that Majority, the seventeen plus millions of who voted Leave, take back control of this election cycle and we must do it now. 

If we fail, the Westminster Remainers,  will coalesce into a block, forcing the Government, regardless of Party to maneuver away, inch by inch from  the Brexit we know we voted for last year to something far far less. A kind of Third Class Ticket on Europe's Slow Train to economic perdition and disaster. The front of that particular train has already left the track, if we stay, we will just get to ride in the last car off the cliff.

So, if you voted Brexit, still believe and still want out of the EU train wreck time is fast running out. Vote against Labour, Lib-Dems, SNP, Greens and other also-rans and for a Brexit government. After all, when we are out of the EU we will be empowered to decide our own future.


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