Scotland the Brave ( or foolish)

Scottish Independence.

Is this vote an abuse of 'democracy'.

With two weeks to go before the 'Scottish Vote', as a 'Brit' there are a number issues I would like the Scots to consider.

Am I English, are YOU Scottish and are WE British?
If the answer is YES then WE should have decided first if WE want a part of OUR Country to choose to dissolve the Union that is Britain. I'm not sure that, as a Unionist, my campaigning and vote for the Union, had there been one, would have carried the day but at least it would have gone some way toward legitimizing this upcoming 'democratic' folly.

Can Scottish Nationalists please tell us the model they are using for the peaceful division of their State from our Country. Perhaps they can give us four or five successful examples of where this has happened, in say the last fifty years?

Do the Separatists (for that is surely what they are) understand that, should they win the vote, what they are proposing is not likely to result in an amicable parting of the ways by mutual consent, but a pretty unpleasant divorce with all that entails.


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