Brexit - Six Months on and NOTHING IS HAPPENING!

It is six months and some days since we woke-up to Brexit Britain. And still NOTHING IS HAPPENING! Other than the change in who heads our Government. We moved from a lying deceitful failed europhile Conservative to an autocratic harridan obfuscator, (europhile?) Conservative

We have learned that, when Government wants to keep secrets, it can. And that when that same Government decides to drag it's heels it gives new meaning to the terms sluggish and lethargic because NOTHING IS HAPPENING. We have also learnt that people, the electorate, given a binary choice, (in or out) can reach a decision, Whereupon our erstwhile political masters, disagreeing with and disrespecting that choice, will attempt to nuance their way to another outcome and yet again NOTHING IS HAPPENING!

The Doomsayers, Europhiles and other Remainers have, thus far, been proven to be the greater campaign liars. Their dire predictions of doom & gloom; social and economic collapse have, since the referendum,  been wildly inaccurate to say the least. Because, in actual fact NOTHING IS HAPPENING! There was a little tremble of the weak-kneed in the City and its Markets as usually happens when something unexpected occurred June 23rd. otherwise NOTHING IS HAPPENING!

This must not and cannot continue. Uncertainty and lack of direction, indeed absence of political will in Westminster is a cancer that will eat away at both our society and our economy. We need strong leadership in Downing Street, not to negotiate our withdrawal from the EU, that (should have) occurred June 23rd. but to negotiate their access to our markets. Meanwhile we should be out there telling the world that Britain is now truly open for business. Indeed there is an opportunity now to reset Britain's Trade Policy to an true and honest Free Trade Zone for all goods and services at 100 percent reciprocity.

The politicians have less than one (5 year) election cycle to get things sorted out. Those who fail the test will likely experience the full wrath of their electorate.


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