= Vote Leave + 70 Days

So: It takes about 70 days for the Brexit Tories Vote Leave campaign to (try and) get their act together - at last!

Vote Leave shut-up shop pretty much as soon as the Polls closed June 23rd., now they are back with a new name and not much else from the remarkable (and clearly unexpected) victory they achieved at the referendum TWO AND A HALF MONTHS AGO. They would have us believe that Vote Leave, as the 'official' Brexit group, won the day. The reality is that they would have failed without massive help from UKIP and LEAVE.EU to name but two of their fellow travelers.

Let me be clear, I am passionately pro Brexit.  52% of those of us who voted June 23, voted to leave the EU. After 40 years of being consumed and subsumed by Brussels. The People, The Electorate, The Voters, call us what you will, took, in my opinion, a courageous and far sighted decision to turn our collective backs on the protectionist and autocratic behemoth the EU is fast becoming and engage with the world.

Regrettably, our Political class, unlike the majority of the electorate, have woefully failed to understand the depth and scope of our disaffection with those who would be our masters, in or out of the EU. The Referendum was a watershed in UK politics. It was an in-or-out vote with no third option, and while those in Westminster who disagree with the outcome regard it as advisory, heaven help any Politician who tries to negate the outcome; the Will of the People

Credit where it's due. A divided Tory Party, unlike the other Westminster Parties allowed(?) us the Referendum though many therein probably now deeply regret it (not least of all the treacherous David Cameron). But truth is there is only one division in UK politics, at least for the next 5 years and more probably a generation. Those who accept, promote and defend the Will of the People and those who will not.

Vote Leave Change Britain, what ever they want to call themselves, having imploded and then been AWOL for the past two and a half months, claim now that they want reconciliation with the Losers, but how and with whom? The Tory old guard snatched back control of the Government so that Brexit means anything that the autocratic harriden Theresa May now says it means. The  secret negotiations that are, or maybe are not taking place with the EU are secret! And now we have Vote Leave Change Britain, back with us again.

Is this an indication that Brexit is stalling out in May's Government and her Brexiteers are becoming restive or that she has already developed her own vision and version of Brexit, more inline with her own Remain stance before the referendum and is using Party loyalty to hold her government's Brexiteers in line.

Take a look at and if you find it as singularly uninspireing as I did, then get ready for the Political blood-bath which must surely follow as Govrenment and Parliament try to defy the People and keep us bound to the EU in everything but name. After all that would be a 'Political Solution' in it's true sense. Meanwhile UKIP, LEAVE.EU and others who made Brexit possible are being ignored for their want of Leadership, but only for so long!


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