A New Constitution?

The old Union and the Constitution on which it was built is no longer fit for purpose. Our Constitutional Monarchy was forged to divide and codify political power between Parliament and the Monarch with very little consideration for us, The People. If we are to remain a modern Nation/State rather than be divided into EU regions Now is the time for change. 

We need a Constitutional Republic, built from the bottom up, based on the (inalienable) rights of the individual. A Union of autonomous Regions/Nations/States sharing that Constitution. A much smaller Central (Westminster) Government, serving and protecting the Constitution, the interests of the Citizens and the interaction between the Regions/Nations/States, Foreign Relations and Defense.

What we are likely to get, judging by the reaction of the Westminster parties, is just a bit more 'devolution'. An immediate short term 'fix' to appease the Scots, maybe the appearance of some devolution to the (English) Regions and a 'business as usual' election in the Spring.

This new Parliament will consist of around 650 overpaid under worked Prima Donnas who's primary purpose will be to get themselves re-elected to the next Parliament. The Government will do so by taking our money and giving it to those they believe will further that ambition. The Opposition will complain that not enough is being done for those who would further their ambition. Both will promise more, if only they are (re-)elected to govern. It's called an Election Cycle, the wheels just keep going round and round!

Meanwhile (The Treaty of) Rome burns! The once Sovereign Parliament, capable of managing an Empire in the past now seeks to micromanage just about every conceivable aspect of our daily lives. It's got nothing better to do! Certainly not monitoring and regulating  the bureaucratic deluge emanating from Brussels.


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