
Showing posts from April, 2016

It's War!

I was here in the UK when the latest terrorist outrage occurred in Paris and visiting the US when San Bernardino happened. Meanwhile ISIS (always prefaced by the words 'so called' on the BBC and other leading media outlets) continues a bloody religious cleansing as it hurtles down the road of unbridled barbarity. During this period I have become increasingly convinced that despite the assurances of our Political Masters in London and their Cousins inside the Washington Belt-Way IT'S WAR . If you should have any doubt in this regard just look at the pictures that our Media put before us at every newscast. The camera can be used to exaggerate but it does not lie. Syria is being devastated by Western technology (weaponry)  and only in the last few days we have been shown the devastation which is Ramadi as ISIS is (almost) dislodged from there. In the name of Allah this internecine conflict is being waged by the two main sects of Islam as they each try to dominate, subjug...